Today, with porn on the Internet, it is never more than a few mouse clicks away, including the workplace. Access to pornography is now available from your work desk. According to the Internet’s TopTen Review site (2003-2007) on pornography statistics, 20% of men admit to accessing pornography while at work (13% of women). Because the rates of online pornography viewing during work hours are rising, more and more companies are monitoring their computers now than in the beginning (37.5%). However, many workers continue to take the risk. Online sex is as easy as it gets. It is private, hidden, and you don’t even have to pay for it (although if you prefer to get on some of the more detailed sites, web-cams, or movie viewing, a fee is usually required).
Viewing porn at work is not accepted because it can be termed “obscene” when in the presence of others. However, at-home viewing in any regard is completely legal according to the US Supreme Court because it is not being “imposed” onto other people (Stombler et al, 2007).As Joseph Slade wrote in his 2000 book titled Pornography in America, “If we think of technology as any means by which a species alters itself or its environment, then pornography is a technology of pleasure” (p. 8). Isn’t that the basics of human enjoyment the continuous need to find personal pleasure for ourselves and to gain new ideas and things to do to make us happy?
Angel Fernandez de Soto with a Woman

Pablo Picasso - 1902
Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Seventy-seven percent of pornography site visitors are male. The average age of users is 41 years and 46% of viewers are married. Income also seems to play a factor. In viewing pornography, statistics show that those with an income of $60,000 or more per year are more likely to view porn (Blazinggrace, 2005). Correlations then show that the higher one’s education is, the more likely they are to visit online pornography sites. Perhaps this is due to the lower marriage rates of more highly educated people. Or maybe it is because education opens your mind to society and to thinking for yourself rather than following whatever crowd you are most closely linked to. (Blazinggrace, 2005).
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